Wednesday, September 4, 2013

how to create your own iphone wallpaper

Following this easy tutorial you can make your personalized wallpaper from any photo for your iPhone or iPod. Moreover, you can apply these principles by making wallpapers for any device or gadget, only using different image sizes. Though you can make iPhone wallpaper from any photo, choose portrait photos rather than landscape. For creating iPhone wallpaper you can use Photoshop or free image app XnView.

Photoshop version

  • Open photo or image for iPhone wallpaper in Photoshop (Ctrl+O).
  • Select Crop tool by pressing C key.
  • Put in Width 320, Height 480, Resolution 72 in Crop tool options.
  • Stretch the corners of Crop tool frame trying include most of image, press Enter.
  • Save for web (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) as jpg with Quality 75, check Optimized.
  • Now you have your iPhone wallpaper! Put it to your Photos in iPhone using iTunes and set it as your wallpaper.

XnView version

  • Open photo or image for iPhone wallpaper in XnView.
  • Apply Edit->Set selection ratio->3:2
  • Stretch the corners of Crop frame trying includeу most of image, press Ctrl+Y to crop it.
  • Resize image (Shift+S), put in Width 320, Height 480, Resample – Lanczos.
  • Save your iPhone wallpaper (Ctrl+Shift+S) as jpg with Quality 90, check Optimize Huffman table.

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